Måske bryder du dig om Tucker Carlson, måske ikke, men man må bøje sig i respekt for hans villighed til bringe synspunkter i spil, som ikke får ret meget skærmtid på Corporate media. Synspunkter som er væsentlige for vores forståelse af begivenheder i verden omkring os.
“…But we lost, I think like 15 to 20% of our subscriber base and our viewership, like in the first four weeks of the, after October 7th, because of my position on Israel. And people say I can disagree with anything, but this is the one issue I just can’t tolerate.
Like after running the opposite direction. And I think it’s important to acknowledge how many people are inculcated from birth to believe that. And that’s the thing I think is our greatest obligation as human beings, why free speech is so important as well, and the ability to access other information.
Like I want to read what Russia is saying. The EU made it illegal to platform Russia’s state media. Adults in the EU, even if they want to, can’t read Russian media because now it’s illegal.
I want to have different information sources other than what my own country is telling me. Because one of the things you have as an adult, I think is the greatest obligation, is to go back and reevaluate what you were trained and indoctrinated, inculcated to believe, and not just reflexively continue to believe that in adulthood because it was indoctrinated, but to reassess whether or not those really are your views as a result of your own critical analysis, or whether you have different views, including the role of our own country, like all of these things are so important to not being a propagandized kind of automaton. And it is just true for a lot of American Jews that this indoctrination is so extreme.”
“So let me just say, if you look at the last, say, 40 years of American history, the one thing that is a constant is that so many of the things we are told are not just true, but unquestionably true, the most consequential things end up being complete lies.
The claim that led us into the Vietnam War that caused the Senate to authorize the military force in Vietnam was a claim about the Gulf of Tonkin that was a complete and total fabrication lie. 1964. The claim about the claims that led us into the Iraq War that everybody was so certain of was a complete and total lie.
The thing that drives me the craziest to this day that I feel has never gotten enough attention is that one that reporting happened from the New York Post based on the documents from Hunter Biden’s laptop about what they were doing in Ukraine and China, everybody in the media, united to say this was Russian disinformation, went all along, that archive was completely authentic and had nothing to do with Russia and it wasn’t just information. So many times we’re told things so definitively that end up being proven to be lies. Russia, get another example.
So the question of how those documents made their way to WikiLeaks, obviously WikiLeaks insists that they had nothing to do with the Russians and didn’t get it from the Russians. Now that may be true, and yet at the same time, the Russians say used a middleman. Yeah, so WikiLeaks might think they’re telling the truth, they might actually be telling the truth, but it doesn’t say that Russia wasn’t involved.
Their problem is that there are a lot of people who oftentimes won’t say it in public, but will tell you in private, I mean, like very well connected people, that they’ve radically disbelieved the claim that the Russians hacked it. And the thing is, Aaron Maté is one of the best people, most knowledgeable people on this, but there really isn’t a lot of evidence that the Russians did the hacking. You know, this firm that they got is a democratic party propaganda firm, which is CrowdStrike.
The FBI purposely hid a lot of the information that would have been necessary to examine it. I’m not saying the Russians didn’t hack it, but I’m just saying conceptually, if you don’t question, especially the truths that are most aggressively shoved down your throat after everything we’ve seen, I think you’re an extremely gullible person. And in this case specifically, there’s also a lot of holes in that story.
And I think the big problem, and this was always my problem with Russiagate from the start, was not that the Trump campaign and the Trump administration was being sabotaged by the US security state with a evidence-free scandal. That did bother me journalistically, this evidence-free assertion that dominated our politics. What bothered me much more was the real agenda, obviously, was to blame Russia for everything to such an extent that the Americans started once again viewing Russia as this existential enemy to the point where American diplomats couldn’t speak with Russian diplomats and Washington, everybody was petrified of meeting with the Russian because they would be accused of being a Russian spy.
You’re talking about the country with the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons. And I believe there’s a straight line from the Russiagate fraud, from convincing people to feed on this anti-Russian narrative to what we’re doing in Ukrain.”
“And what all of these countries in the democratic world are doing in Western Europe, in Canada, you know, it’s just in Canada, because there’s this shockingly repressive law that provides for prison sentences for hate speech on the internet, prison sentences.
Up to seven years.
Yeah. And actually, if you’re accused of inciting or defending genocide, you can be put into prison for life under this bill. I mean, this bill is shocking.
I went to Canada to do events against the censorship law, not because I’m Canadian or care about Canada, because what’s happening is every one of these countries is using the other as a laboratory for how far they can go. So every time one country takes another step toward consolidating control over the internet and what can and can’t be said, that shows other countries the space that they now have to go forward as well. It’s completely interconnected.
Every time the EU or the UK or Ireland or Canada or Brazil take steps forward to consolidate censorship control over the internet, it completely transforms what the population comes to think is normal…”
From The Tucker Carlson Show: Glenn Greenwald: Antisemitism, Attacks on Free Speech, and Everything You Need to Know about Brazil, 18 Jun 2024
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Træerne vokser dog ikke ind i himlen. I interviewet tales der om ytringsfrihed som noget der har sin egen særlige kvalitet, en særlig ret. Det er upræcist. Ytringsfrihed er særtilfælde, en underkategori af ejendomsret. Fordi du ejer dig selv, i betydningen har den suveræne ret til at udelukke andre fra at bruge din person, uden dit samtykke, så har du også ret til at ytre dig. Men ikke noget krav på at andre skal stille en platform til rådighed for dig, eller lytte til dig. Al menneskeret er ejendomsret (som Murray Rothbard beskrev). Det er den private ejendomsret, der er det redskab, der bedst sikrer at vi kan samarbejde med andre mennesker og minimere (ikke afskaffe) konflikter om knappe ressourcer. Det er måden hvorpå, vi alle bliver bedre stillet end vi ellers ville have været. Med andre ord, civilisation. Vi har regeringer der er mere interesserede i at at fastholde magt i andedammen end i at fremme civilisation. Krig er et af deres sikre midler. Lad ikke den propaganda sætte dagsordenen. Krig er statens sundhed – forstå hvad staten ikke er, og hvad den er – læs Rothbards Statens Anatomi.