Operation Oplysning til Medlemmerne af Folketinget (OMF) (Education for Members of Parliament) has commenced.

Our members of parliament apparently need to be reminded that they are not composed of a different material than the rest of mankind. That they are incapable of directing the ‘economy‘ or our lives despite their desire to do so – as assessed by the extent of their rules and regulations, not to mention their attempts to regulate our lives.
Therefore I have provided each member of parliament with a copy of my translation of Bastiat’s The Law as well as a copy of my translation of The Tuttle Twins learn about the Law. It is my hope(!) that this might bring a few of ‘our’ lawmakers to reconsider what their true role is !
You can see the cover letter to the MPs at this address. (Danish)
If you would like to support Operation OMF you can send bitcoin to this address: