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Petit Napoléon

Storhedsvanviddet florerer blandt regimeførere fra tidligere imperier. Makronen er et eksempel

One of the most iconic representatives of the more demanding approach to European integration is French President Emmanuel Macron. In numerous public interventions, including a speech given in the Hague on 11th April 2023, he called for “a stronger and a better European integration,” even a more “sovereign” Europe, on a range of issues, from defence and industrial regulation to the regulation of social media and climate policy.


Der ser ud til at være en række politikere som ønsker en variant af Europas Sovietunion eller Europas Forenede Stater – med magtkoncentration og planøkonomi; egen skatteopkræving og militær. Fordi… hvordan skal vi ellers holde liv i mareridtet om 3. Verdenskrig? Det mareridt klarer den eksisterende nato-mafia ellers fint, med trusler om indsættelse af (flere) nato-styrker og våben der er velegnet til at overbevise russerregimet om, at nato-regimet har til hensigt at udslette eller decimere russerregimet. Hvad kan gå galt?

Mette vil også være med på vognen (Nato-jobansøgning?):


Med drab på generationer af ukrainere er vi (de) længere fra håbet om fortsat eksistens af en ukrainsk stat end for to år siden, tættere på en storkonflikt i Europa og aggressive småstater der puster sig op.

Verden, og især Ukraine ville være bedre tjent med øjeblikkeligt at indstille kamphandlinger og indlede forhandling om nye grænser for ukraineregimet, mens der er noget tilbage – og inden konflikten eskalerer til noget der er endnu værre.

Er Putin på vej til Portugal? Det er der grund til ikke at tro…

“So the really important thing here, Scott, in context, is that the claim that Putin is not going to stop with Ukraine but go on through Europe and start a war with NATO is the core thing for justifying continued funding for the war. So if you expose this sort of core lie, you take away the justification and you give a reason to end the stupid war. So this is a crucial question about whether Putin’s bent on conquering NATO or not.

It’s not just a, you know, it’s a crucial, crucial question.

Well, and the thing is, is it such a dumb lie? It’s such a lazy alibi for this whole project.

So it’s a dumb lie. It’s a lazy alibi, but it’s being expressed by people in authority with certainty. So you look at President Biden, who told Congress, and listen to the language, Scott, if Putin takes Ukraine, he won’t stop there.

He’s going to keep going. He’s made that pretty clear, okay? So Putin’s made that clear.

The NATO secretary general said if Putin wins in Ukraine, there’s a real risk his aggression will not stop there. And Zelensky said just the other day, if Ukraine loses the war, other countries will be attacked. This is a fact.

So Zelensky calls it a fact. Biden says that Putin has made it clear. In fact, Scott, as you know, Putin has never made anything of a sort clear.

He’s consistently said the opposite. Putin has consistently said that this is not a war about territory at all. It’s a war about security concerns.”

From Scott Horton Show – Just the Interviews: Ted Snider on the Big Lie Behind the War in Ukraine, 29 Apr 2024


Lyt også til dette interview med Vladimir Brokvin – eller læs transskriptet:

“My personal view is that the beginning of all this is in 2003. And this is what I said in this video. 2003 was the year when United States invaded Iraq.

But it was more important that it is in that context that France, Germany and Russia, three of them together, oppose this invasion in the United Nations. And that must have been kind of a very, very scary feeling in Washington. What’s going on?

We’re losing Europe. We’re losing Russia and Germany. And France may create a kind of a new European home that the Russians dreamed about.

And then NATO is irrelevant. Our influence is irrelevant. What’s going on?

We have to stop it. We have to stop it. And I think that’s the turning point.

The United States indeed got scared that Russian, German, French cooperation would consider. And how do you stop it? Well, they found a way.

You rely on countries that didn’t like Russia because they suffered from the Soviet Union. So Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, all these countries that were formerly Soviet bloc, they were recently freed from Soviet domination. So now they pump up their fear of the Russians.

“And I’m telling them, the Russians are not the same as the Soviets. The communists are enemy of Russia, and they have done more harm to Russia than anybody else. So to equate Russia and the Soviet Union is fundamentally wrong.[…]”

From The Tom Woods Show: Ep. 2491 The Truth About Ukraine, 16 May 2024

Eurokraterne er desperate efter at fastholde magt i en verden hvor en stigende andel af klodens befolkning anser Europa for irrelevant – de har mere travlt med at forbedre deres egen levestandard fremfor at danse efter andres pibe.

Hvis du vælger at stemme, så se om du kan finde en der ikke vil dirigere rundt med resten af klodens befolkning, ikke hamrer på krigstrommerne, ikke er forhippet på at kaste gode penge efter dårlige med henvisning til den ikke-eksisterende klimakrise, ikke abonnerer på planøkonomisk tankegang. Du får det svært!

Stor stat, stor magt=store problemer. Færre ressourcer under statens kontrol er vejen frem. Jo færre des bedre

Russeren kommer ikke – og fri os for politikere som i deres iver efter at fremstå stålsatte, blæser sig op og truer med at invadere Rusland – tænk hvis russerregimet faktisk føler sig truet!

Astonishingly good idea

I øvrigt bør regeringen gå af.

2 tanker om “Petit Napoléon

  1. […] Det er slemt nok med socialkammerater (hvad enten det er Mette eller Løkke) der er ved at falde over egne ben, for at levere flere våben, der kan bevare demonkratiet i det, der en overgang var Ukraine. De sætter andres midler over styr og påfører os en helt urimelig og unødvendig risiko for yderligere eskalering af en totalt overflødig konflikt! NATOs krig mod Rusland (siden 2003?) gør ikke verden til et bedre sted, men sikrer en urimelig masse døde ukrainere (og russere) og vi andre bliver fattigere og mindre ‘sikre’, end før NATO bredte sig østpå. Genlæs Petit Napoleon her! […]

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