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…over krigsliderlige politikere! Deres påståede intentioner om forbedrede vilkår for de ‘befriede’ befolkninger klinger hult, efterhånden som årtierne går og samfund degenerer i vold og almindelig ødelæggelse.

Når det samme resultat udspiller sig, gang på gang, må man efterhånden opfatte det som målet; ikke (endnu) en svipser der ikke gik helt efter planen. Planen er ødelæggelse og kaos, fordi nogle tjener ganske betydeligt på det, andre får adgang til fortsat magt, mens befolkningen i lande der ikke er direkte berørt, skræmte skutter sig og finder sig i regeringens åg og skarpe klo. Et frygtsomt vælgerkorps er let(tere) at manipulere.

Land efter land i Mellemøsten og omegn er blevet befriet, med ledsagende elendighed. Senest bukkede det syriske regime under, efter i årevis at have været offer for plyndring af andre regimer, ikke mindst det amerikanske. Det er ikke umuligt at ådslet forfalder med ligrester der beslaglægges af Israel, Tyrkiet, kurdiske og andre faktioner og bliver endnu en kilde til frustration og vrede. En glimrende grobund for udklækning af terrorister; vi har alle sammen fået reduceret vores sikkerhed, takket være ‘demokrati-fremmende’ indgreb i andres lande.

Endnu en gang har Tucker Carlson besøg af Jeffrey Sachs, der kan bidrage med førstehånds viden om begivenhedernes historiske perspektiv. Se interviewet her, eller hvor du ellers finder dine podcasts. Vurderingen er desværre at det amerikanske regime styrer mod krig (også) mod Iran. Det skal nok gå godt, denne gang…

“And maybe the right way to understand what’s happened with Syria is to think back to a really remarkable occasion when Wesley Clarke, the general who headed NATO, went to the Pentagon just after 9-11. And famously, he showed a piece of paper that said, we’re going to have seven wars in five years. And he was completely dumbfounded.

He said, what does this have to do with anything? And he was told that the neocons and the Israelis are going to remake the Middle East. And the seven countries on the list are very telling.

They were Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and then in Africa, Libya, Somalia and Sudan. And seven countries, we’ve been at war in six of them now. And I mean, we, the United States, on behalf of Israel, including in Syria.

And so what happened in Syria last week was the culmination of a long term effort by Israel to reshape the Middle East in its image. It started with Netanyahu and his American advisors in 1996 in something called Clean Break, which was a political document that the Americans and Netanyahu who made when Netanyahu became prime minister. After 9-11, it went into full gear with the Iraq Wars being the first of those wars.”

From The Tucker Carlson Show: Jeffrey Sachs: The Inevitable War With Iran, and Biden’s Attempts to Sabotage Trump, 17 Dec 2024
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Hvis du har appetit på mere om den sørgelige udvikling så tag også et kig på Scott Horton Show, here with Kyle Anzalone

“And it’s gotta be one of the things about Donald Trump that drives the rest of Washington crazy is that he says things that they’re only supposed to do but not say, like, let’s steal all their oil and wheat so that we can have it, not them and stuff like that. You’re not supposed to say that, Mr. President, for God’s sake. But that is what they’re doing, right?

Yeah, that’s been the absolute policy. And on top of that, Scott, it’s also been the policy to prevent any construction material from entering Syria. They’re intentionally impoverishing the people of Syria to the point where in recent years, there’s actually been babies freezing to death during the winter.

I have to imagine that had a lot to contribute to Assad’s ultimate demise. The fact that he, you know, for ruling Damascus, really wasn’t in charge of Syria. He couldn’t import.

He had no capability to stop the Israelis from bombing his country once or twice a week for a decade.”

“Let me make sure that I think I understand you here. So, the United States supports our NATO ally Turkey, which in supporting Al Qaeda terrorists, so called Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, which is just Al Qaeda in Iraq and Syria years later now, taking over the country. Israel also supports them and all sides cheering for the overthrow of Assad in the fall of the Ba’athist government there.

And then, immediately, America has a problem because we’re back in the Kurds in the East, who the Turks would very much like to cleanse and take all their territory and are their vowed enemies.”

“There will be no state in Syria.

It will be carved up and I guess whatever is not outright seized by Israel or quote unquote protected by America will be up to the Turks and then a bunch of warring tribes of Bin Ladenites and their victims, right? And then I wonder if America is going to at some point have to invade and fight the Bin Ladenites seems almost inevitable…”

From Scott Horton Show – Just the Interviews: Kyle Anzalone on the Fall of Assad in Syria, 15 Dec 2024
This material may be protected by copyright.

Desværre for syrerne (og resten af verden) er udsigterne dystre for fremtidens ‘Syrien’.

(Jonathan Cook, via antiwar.com)

Vores ‘venner’ starter krige og sætter regionerne omkring os i brand, og vores politikere synes vi skal til at lægge en krigsskat oven i alle de andre skatter. Endnu engang kan vi konstatere at vi ville være mere sikre uden Nato, og at pengene kunne bruges bedre af folk selv, end på politisk ambition og destruktion.

I øvrigt bør regeringen gå af og tage Nato-medlemsskabet med sig. Sofort!
Mette må gerne tage til fronten og tage sine venner med, for egne midler.

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